I was back to Thailand again! In this trip, I visited Champ at Chiangmai University and shared my research work with CMU colleagues. I have a chance to visit their facilities for research and teaching. It is excited to find someone having same research interests! News was also covered in CMU webpage.

On the way back to Penang, I stopped by Bangkok to visit Rin again in Chulalongkorn University. This time I presented some sharing on research writing and I was so grateful for the response given, especially a private message from a colleague over there sent by Rin in Thai:
ฝากขอบคุณ Dr. Goh ด้วยค่ะ ทำให้เด็กๆ เข้าใจ และเป็นตัวอย่างที่ดีได้ บางเรื่องบอกนิสิตไป ก็ไม่เกท หรือไม่ได้ตระหนักจริงๆ พอคนอื่นพูดและมี ตย ให้เห็นก็ทำให้เขาเข้าใจตัวเองและเข้าใจเรามากขึ้น
which is translated into:
"Please pass my thanks to Dr.Goh for making students understand better and being a good role model. The students can't absorb or seriously consider some topics taught by us unless we have to let others (meaning u) telling them and giving examples. These make them not only understand themselves but also us."
In this trip, I also prepared an MOU to sign with Chula and this was really an enjoyable trip. Hope to have more visits in future!
